1. Siti Rohmah
2. Ines Septianis Rina
3. Astuti Ratnasari Dewi
4. Resti Ristianingsih
5. Mendo Mutiara Lathifah
Reciprocation Sincerity and Trust
1) Every moslem commanded to go into effect trust and have good behavior and also the nature of which praised. Goods who [do/conduct] the nature of, undoubtedly he is given [by] good reciprocation, [in] world and also [in] eternity. Whomever leaving betrayal and cheat because Allah with whole candidness and sincerity, undoubtedly Allah change [the] mentioned with kindliness which many Ash of Hurairah radhiallahu ‘ history anhu, Shallallahu Rasulullah ‘ sallam wa alaihi utter:
" There [is] a men buying plantation land of others. Sudden one who buy the the plantation land find a jar which in it there are gold. Hence he say to its seller, ‘ Take your gold from me, because me only buying plantation land, [do] not buy gold! ’ One who have that land;ground even also [reply/ answer], ‘ I sell that land;ground following what is in depth’. Last both asking for decision of law to others. That man berkata,’Apakah both to all of you have child?’ One of the from them say, ‘ I have a boy’. Other say, ‘ I have a female’. Last that man say, ‘ Marrying mans child) with its its[his]) and maintenace to both from that gold and have alms [to] all of you from to [him]!’.” ( HR. Al-Bukhari in Akhbar Bani Israil, and Moslem).
From Ash of Hurairah radhiallahu ‘ anhu of Rasulullah shallallahu ‘ sallam wa alaihi utter his him [him/it] mention a men of Bani Israil asking for people of Bani other Israil [so that/ to be] giving debt [him/ it] equal to 1000 diner. Last [is] one who him [him/it] say, ‘ Deliver some eyewitness [so that/ to be] them witness ( your debt [is])’. He [reply/ answer], ‘ Enough Allah as eyewitness for me!’ That man say, ‘ Deliver someone which [is] your you)!’ He [reply/ answer], ‘ Enough Allah guarantying me!’ One who will [him/it] even also then say, ‘ real correct Thou!’ Hence that money [is] passed to him ( to be paid) when which have been determined.
: ( After llama) one who owe that even also go to sail to a[n its need. Then he look for ship which can accompany [him/it] because its debt have fallen due, but he [do] not get the ship. Hence he even also wood up which later;then he make hole, and including of money 1000 diner in it following letter to its owner. Then he smooth down and improve;repair its situation. Hereinafter he seaward as great as saying, ‘ Yes Allah, really Thou have known that me borrow money to the fulan counted 1000 diner. He ask me a guarantor, hence me tell enough Allah as guarantor, and he even also volunteer with him.
He also apply to eyewitness me, hence me tell, enough Allah as eyewitness, and he even also volunteer with him. Really I have made every effort to get ship to sending over money [him/ it] which have given of to me, but I [do] not get that ship. In consequence, I entrust he is to Mu’. Last [is] he throw [it] to afloat sea so that, then he [go/come] home.
As for one who give that debt, hence he look for incoming ship to its country. Hence he even also go out house to look around perhaps there [is] ship bringing its money titipan. But sudden he find wood which in it there are money. He then taking [him/ it] as firewood for its wife. But, when he split the wood, he get money following a letter. Afterwards, come one who indebt to [him/it]. He bring money 1000 diner as great as saying, ‘ By God, I continue to made a pitch for ship [so that/ to be] can until to you with your money, but me [is] not at all get ship before which I board now!’.
One who him [him/it] say, ‘ Isn'T it true that thou have that with something?’ He [reply/ answer], ‘ Isn'T it true that I have advised to you that I [do] not get ship before which I board now?’ One who him [him/it] inform, ‘ In fact Allah have gived or obtain cash for what thou send over me [pass/through] wood. In consequence bring your 1000 diner money return by is Iucky!’
( HR. Al-Bukhari, 4/469, Kitabul Kafalah , and Ahmad).
2) Honesty and Amanah Replies
In this life, we must always be honest and trustworthy, whenever and wherever. Allah SWT loves people who are honest and trustworthy. And Rasulullah SAW very promotes fairness in every action he has. Until he obtained the title of "Al-Amin", someone who can be trusted. Honesty will make someone regarded highly by others. An honest person will be more appreciated by others. Someone who is honest, if the center got into trouble, will not hesitate to give assistance.
Debt is a promise that must be met. When someone who is in debt and on behalf of Allah SWT as a guarantor and witnesses, then that person should pay their debts seriously. Whatever the difficulties or obstacles encountered, if the debt is paid, it must try to pay it. As told in HR. Al-Bukhari, 4 / 469, Kitabul Kafalah, and Ahmad, that the people who have debts, because he had meant it to honor or pay the debt, whatever the obstacles blocking the existence of a genuine intention, to be paid any money to the owner. With sincerity and intent that God had given him ease, so that debts can be paid on time
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